School : Camden Military Academy

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Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

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Camden Military Academy is located in beautiful, historic Camden, South Carolina. CMA, South Carolina’s Official Military Academy, is an all male boarding school with grades 7-12 and PG. The small size of the cadet corps, 300, pays huge dividends in the classroom with 12-15 students per class. Our tenured faculty coupled with advanced technology makes learning entertaining and fun. The military structure offered at Camden gives a young man the opportunity to succeed that isn't available in a traditional school setting. Cadets at Camden learn responsibility, honor, and integrity while taking challenging advanced coursework. College courses can also be taken too!Cadets come from all over the country and world; over 22 states and 8 countries are represented this year. Each year cadets are accepted to MIT, Clemson, Vanderbilt, USC and other prestigious US universities. CMA offers 13 sports as well as an intramural program. Camden does NOT train soldiers but teaches young men the importance of self-discpline, structure and time management skills - invaluable military principles. The campus is located adjacent to the city’s airport which offers our cadets flight instruction. University tours/visits are encouraged and arranged by Camden. Camden is also less than 30 miles from the #1 ranked International Business University in the US. Tuition includes all breaks except Christmas.

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2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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School : Camden Military Academy

Country :

State/City :

Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

Additional :

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Camden Military Academy is located in beautiful, historic Camden, South Carolina. CMA, South Carolina’s Official Military Academy, is an all male boarding school with grades 7-12 and PG. The small size of the cadet corps, 300, pays huge dividends in the classroom with 12-15 students per class. Our tenured faculty coupled with advanced technology makes learning entertaining and fun. The military structure offered at Camden gives a young man the opportunity to succeed that isn't available in a traditional school setting. Cadets at Camden learn responsibility, honor, and integrity while taking challenging advanced coursework. College courses can also be taken too!Cadets come from all over the country and world; over 22 states and 8 countries are represented this year. Each year cadets are accepted to MIT, Clemson, Vanderbilt, USC and other prestigious US universities. CMA offers 13 sports as well as an intramural program. Camden does NOT train soldiers but teaches young men the importance of self-discpline, structure and time management skills - invaluable military principles. The campus is located adjacent to the city’s airport which offers our cadets flight instruction. University tours/visits are encouraged and arranged by Camden. Camden is also less than 30 miles from the #1 ranked International Business University in the US. Tuition includes all breaks except Christmas.

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

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