School : Cambridge Melchior College

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Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

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Cambridge Melchior College (CMC) intends to provide an exceptional education to students aged 14-18. As an independent, co-educational school, we offer outstanding education to international pupils of Secondary School age as well as short term English courses, Summer Camps and bespoke programmes. Students who attend CMC follow a broad curriculum based on the English National Curriculum. The school enjoys an extremely vibrant day-to-day life with students participating in a number of enrichment activities as well as academic study. All of our classroom teachers are UK qualified, with up-to-date training so that teaching standards are always high. State-of-the-art technologies are integrated into our curriculum and classrooms to ensure pupils are prepared for the future. A range of rich academic resources complement our fabulous campus location just to the north of Cambridge in a truly inspiring location. All of this guarantees that every student in our care receives the best possible education.

Registration Form

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us

School : Cambridge Melchior College

Country :

State/City :

Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

Additional :

Download :

Cambridge Melchior College (CMC) intends to provide an exceptional education to students aged 14-18. As an independent, co-educational school, we offer outstanding education to international pupils of Secondary School age as well as short term English courses, Summer Camps and bespoke programmes. Students who attend CMC follow a broad curriculum based on the English National Curriculum. The school enjoys an extremely vibrant day-to-day life with students participating in a number of enrichment activities as well as academic study. All of our classroom teachers are UK qualified, with up-to-date training so that teaching standards are always high. State-of-the-art technologies are integrated into our curriculum and classrooms to ensure pupils are prepared for the future. A range of rich academic resources complement our fabulous campus location just to the north of Cambridge in a truly inspiring location. All of this guarantees that every student in our care receives the best possible education.

Registration Form

Payment Method:



Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us