School : California State University - San Marcos
Country :
State/City :
Average Tuition : $15000 USD
Average Living Cost : $5000 USD
Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD
Education Level :
GPA : 2.8
Age : 18~99
Additional :
California State University San Marcos is a public comprehensive university located in the San Diego, California region. With an enrollment of 12,000 it is a medium-size campus where students receive personal attention. CSUSM is a relatively young institution (21 years old) so it has all the latest technology and state-of-the art laboratories. CSUSM offers a wide variety of majors in Business, Science, Nursing, Kinesiology, Social Work, Computer Science, and the Humanities. We also offer multiple graduate programs including an accelerated 1 year MBA and will accept 3 year degrees for several programs. CSUSM offers Conditional Admission to both undergraduate and graduate applicants who lack the minimum TOEFL/IELTS requirement of 61/5.5 for undergraduate and 80/6.0 for graduate admission. CSUSM also has an excellent ESL program -The American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI), which offers intensive academic preparation, TOEFL waiver to CSUSM and local community colleges, and a Semester Abroad program for students with advanced English proficiency. ALCI also offers English Teacher Training and a variety of vacation language-travel and other short-term special group programs for high school, university, and senior adult participants.