School : American National University

Country :

State/City :

Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

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American National Uninversity (ANU) is a collegiate institution offering educational credentials from diplomas to master's degrees in Health Sciences, Information Techonology, Cybersecurity and Business. In addition, ANU has a 30 year history of training international students in a variety of fields including English as a Second Language preparing the student for the TOEFL and IELTS exams. ANU strives to develop each student intellecutally, culturally and socially. The university is interested in each individual becoming proficient in the disciplines necessary for their success.

Registration Form

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us

School : American National University

Country :

State/City :

Average Tuition : $15000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~99

Additional :

Download :

American National Uninversity (ANU) is a collegiate institution offering educational credentials from diplomas to master's degrees in Health Sciences, Information Techonology, Cybersecurity and Business. In addition, ANU has a 30 year history of training international students in a variety of fields including English as a Second Language preparing the student for the TOEFL and IELTS exams. ANU strives to develop each student intellecutally, culturally and socially. The university is interested in each individual becoming proficient in the disciplines necessary for their success.

Registration Form

Payment Method:



Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us