School : American Flight Training - Wayman Aviation
Country :
State/City :
Average Tuition : $15000 USD
Average Living Cost : $5000 USD
Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD
Education Level :
GPA : 2.8
Age : 18~99
Additional :
American Flight Training, a division of Wayman Aviation, is an FAA Certified Part 141 Flight Training Academy. For nearly 30 years we have launched cadets into international careers flying around the world. Alumni can be found at American Airlines, JetBlue, LAN, Lion Air, etc. The academy specializes in Ab Initio training, meaning "from the beginning." Full time students that arrived with zero experience can reach their commercial pilot's license in 8-10 months. This fast paced accelerated course of study is directed towards international full time career oriented cadets. Nearby housing and the bustling city of Miami offer a well rounded experience.