School : University of Debrecen

Country :

State/City : Debrecen

Average Tuition : $5000 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $740 USD

Education Level : UG


Age : 18~35

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The University of Debrecen has a student body of almost 30,000; there are 1700 instructors; 15 faculties and 25 doctoral schools; making the University one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary.  Medical education in English started in 1987. At present, about 3700 international students represent countries from all around the world. The following medical programs are offered: Basic Medicine Course: 1-year premedical course for Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy programs/Medicine: 10 semesters + 1-year internship/Dentistry: 10 semesters/Pharmacy: 10 semesters/BSc in Public Health and BSc in Physiotherapy: 8 semesters/MSc in Public Health and MSc in Molecular Biology: 2 or 3 semesters.

The University of Debrecen offers the following non-medical programs: Foundation Programs; Undergraduate Bachelor Programs: 6-7 semesters; Software, Business Information Technology, Chemical, Biochemical, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, International Relations, English Studies, Musical Creative Art and Musicology, Performance (Music), Management and Business Administration; Master Programs: 4 semesters; Master of Business Administration, English Studies, American Studies, Software Information Technology, International Economy and Business, Performance (Music); PhD Degree Programs: 6 semesters; English and American Studies, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Informatics. 

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3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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School : University of Debrecen

Country :

State/City : Debrecen

Average Tuition : $5000 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $740 USD

Education Level : UG


Age : 18~35

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The University of Debrecen has a student body of almost 30,000; there are 1700 instructors; 15 faculties and 25 doctoral schools; making the University one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary.  Medical education in English started in 1987. At present, about 3700 international students represent countries from all around the world. The following medical programs are offered: Basic Medicine Course: 1-year premedical course for Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy programs/Medicine: 10 semesters + 1-year internship/Dentistry: 10 semesters/Pharmacy: 10 semesters/BSc in Public Health and BSc in Physiotherapy: 8 semesters/MSc in Public Health and MSc in Molecular Biology: 2 or 3 semesters.

The University of Debrecen offers the following non-medical programs: Foundation Programs; Undergraduate Bachelor Programs: 6-7 semesters; Software, Business Information Technology, Chemical, Biochemical, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, International Relations, English Studies, Musical Creative Art and Musicology, Performance (Music), Management and Business Administration; Master Programs: 4 semesters; Master of Business Administration, English Studies, American Studies, Software Information Technology, International Economy and Business, Performance (Music); PhD Degree Programs: 6 semesters; English and American Studies, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Informatics. 

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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