School : Woodford House
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Average Tuition : $15000 USD
Average Living Cost : $10000 USD
Average Housing Cost : $12000 USD
Education Level :
Age : 12~17
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Woodford House is an elite boarding school for girls from Year 7 to Year 13, delivering NZ's NCEA curriculum. With 100% NCEA success and 30% - 50% excellent endorsement, Woodford is undoubtedly in the top 5 NZ girls' schools. The boarding experience at Woodford makes the school a first-class choice, for parents living all over the world who want their girls to have an education with global relevance and kiwi values. Boarding gives girls confidence and independence. It helps with self-sufficiency and self-motivation. Our boarders often show maturity and empathy beyond their years. By boarding at Woodford, girls form life-long friendships that give them support and ‘sistership’ through school, and beyond.The wide range of experiences our boarders have help ensure they are well-rounded contributors to society. Learning and living are woven together to provide a seamless educational experience encompassing modern user-friendly buildings, nutritious and tasty meals, and family-value-based care.To support in-class learning we offer an innovative and extensive prep programme. This is specifically designed to support different learning styles and 21st Century learners, including opportunities for tutoring by qualified teachers, integrated technology, collaborative learning and our current affairs room.