School : LycéeSt Paul St Georges

Country :

State/City : Bretagne

Average Tuition : $13000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 13~18

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Lycée St Paul St Georges is located in Vannes, a city in the region of Brittany in western France. The Internat (boarding) welcomes students in three different sites (Saint-Paul, SaintGeorges, and la Maison du Diocèse). There are 240 rooms available. The internat is not only a place of study, but also a place of repose and relaxation for the students. There are movie nights, sport competitions, game nights, ice skating events and more. The Saint Paul-Saint-Georges campus offers you numerous courses in general and technological, professional, specialized and higher education.



The birth of the Lycée Saint-Paul in 1969 was the fruit of a long reflection initiated and led, in the name of an ideal, by several religious congregations. The breath of Liberty, resulting from the movements of May 1968, marked the project of establishment. Based on the confidence placed in the young high school student, leaving a very great autonomy to the faculty to bring forth projects in multiple fields.


"To provide high-quality teaching, to accompany it with the most modern technologies, to aim for excellence for each and every one", remains, 45 years after the foundation, the ardent desire of all those who bring their stone to the Construction of this vessel. "To live the values ??of the Gospel in everyday life in a climate of openness to the world and tolerance", testifies to the attachment of our lycée to the Catholic teaching of our country. The decades have seen a general education expanded alongside paths in tertiary technological way crowned by four patents of superior technician. Faithful to its mission, the lycée has made its contribution to the integration of disabled young people in the ordinary workplace.

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1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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School : LycéeSt Paul St Georges

Country :

State/City : Bretagne

Average Tuition : $13000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $5000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 13~18

Additional :

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Lycée St Paul St Georges is located in Vannes, a city in the region of Brittany in western France. The Internat (boarding) welcomes students in three different sites (Saint-Paul, SaintGeorges, and la Maison du Diocèse). There are 240 rooms available. The internat is not only a place of study, but also a place of repose and relaxation for the students. There are movie nights, sport competitions, game nights, ice skating events and more. The Saint Paul-Saint-Georges campus offers you numerous courses in general and technological, professional, specialized and higher education.



The birth of the Lycée Saint-Paul in 1969 was the fruit of a long reflection initiated and led, in the name of an ideal, by several religious congregations. The breath of Liberty, resulting from the movements of May 1968, marked the project of establishment. Based on the confidence placed in the young high school student, leaving a very great autonomy to the faculty to bring forth projects in multiple fields.


"To provide high-quality teaching, to accompany it with the most modern technologies, to aim for excellence for each and every one", remains, 45 years after the foundation, the ardent desire of all those who bring their stone to the Construction of this vessel. "To live the values ??of the Gospel in everyday life in a climate of openness to the world and tolerance", testifies to the attachment of our lycée to the Catholic teaching of our country. The decades have seen a general education expanded alongside paths in tertiary technological way crowned by four patents of superior technician. Faithful to its mission, the lycée has made its contribution to the integration of disabled young people in the ordinary workplace.

Registration Form

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

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