School : York Catholic High School
Country :
State/City : Pennsylvania
Average Tuition : $12000 USD
Average Living Cost : $10000 USD
Average Housing Cost : $14000 USD
Education Level :
Age : 15~17
Additional :
We are located in the City of York and our students come from nearly every public school district in York County and many communities in northern Maryland. Busing is available for all students. Catholicism is not an admission requirement.Academically, York Catholic maintains the quality of excellence, which continues to merit the approval and accreditation from the Middle States Association.
We see ourselves as co-workers with Jesus Christ in the ministry of education rooted in the Gospels, the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and the guidelines of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Operating in a global society, we choose the Christian world-view as our distinct orientation in carrying out what we regard as our essential task: the development of our students as whole Christian persons. We accomplish this by teaching, by fostering a Catholic value system, and by serving the larger community.
Our quest for academic excellence leads us to teach a core curriculum which is continuously and judiciously updated. Our desire to foster Catholic values prompts us to create an environment that develops personal integrity, respect for one another, reverence for God, and stewardship for our world. Our commitment to serve the larger community impels us to foster social awareness and encourage action for the common good.
We recognize that this necessarily collaborative effort is one that increasingly demands the support and involvement of students, parents, staff, parishes, alumni, and the community at large.
Thus, we envision our mission as the education of our students to become active members of church and society living their faith.