School : Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay

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Average Tuition : $34900 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $14000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 15~17

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Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay is an independent faculty-guided school for grades 9-12 in Belmont, Massachusetts. At our school, teenagers discover their strengths, recognize their responsibility to others, and envision the full possibility of their lives. 

At the heart of WHS, are the collaborative relationships forged between students and faculty focused on critical and creative thinking. The Waldorf model encourages student learning through a variety of multisensory approaches, both in the classroom and in the real world. Access to knowledge through art, music, and travel in addition to engaging, traditional academic studies and analytical discussions, provide students with an unlimited canvas on which to sketch their identities and envision their futures. Along with a rigorous curriculum, students are given the opportunity to participate in many extracurricular activities such as internships, foreign exchange, student governance, Model UN, sports, music, and drama.

We prepare students for lives of curiosity, creativity, compassion, and courage. WHS alumni attend competitive four-year colleges, with students being accepted into 200+ different colleges over the past ten years. Waldorf students graduate well prepared for further study and are enriched with lifelong friendships, unforgettable experiences, and a drive to impact the world around them.

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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Contact Us

School : Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay

Country :

State/City :

Average Tuition : $34900 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $14000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 15~17

Additional :

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Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay is an independent faculty-guided school for grades 9-12 in Belmont, Massachusetts. At our school, teenagers discover their strengths, recognize their responsibility to others, and envision the full possibility of their lives. 

At the heart of WHS, are the collaborative relationships forged between students and faculty focused on critical and creative thinking. The Waldorf model encourages student learning through a variety of multisensory approaches, both in the classroom and in the real world. Access to knowledge through art, music, and travel in addition to engaging, traditional academic studies and analytical discussions, provide students with an unlimited canvas on which to sketch their identities and envision their futures. Along with a rigorous curriculum, students are given the opportunity to participate in many extracurricular activities such as internships, foreign exchange, student governance, Model UN, sports, music, and drama.

We prepare students for lives of curiosity, creativity, compassion, and courage. WHS alumni attend competitive four-year colleges, with students being accepted into 200+ different colleges over the past ten years. Waldorf students graduate well prepared for further study and are enriched with lifelong friendships, unforgettable experiences, and a drive to impact the world around them.

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

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