School : The Fenn School
Country :
State/City : Massachusetts
Average Tuition : $40000 USD
Average Living Cost : $10000 USD
Average Housing Cost : $14000 USD
Education Level : K7-12
Age : 9~16
Additional :
The Fenn School embraces the following principles as fundamental to educating boys in their elementary and middle school years:
A school specifically dedicated to teaching boys in their elementary and middle school years has the unique ability to provide a program that empowers boys to discover their talents, to develop their intellectual curiosity, to establish their essential academic skills and knowledge, and to define their moral character.
A nurturing school community that is inspired by care offers a singular opportunity for boys to thrive and grow in personal confidence as they prepare to embark upon their adolescent and secondary school years.
An understanding of gender-related cognitive, academic, emotional, social, leadership, and character developmental needs of boys, along with a recognition of their differences as individuals, informs development of the School’s educational program.
A challenging program of substantial breadth and depth in academics, the arts, and athletics, taught with versatile methods of instruction to boys of strong intellectual ability, high academic potential, and varied learning styles, best serves our students’ learning in the present and the future.
Shared values of honesty, respect, empathy, and courage provide the moral underpinnings of our school community and offer an ethical context for shaping the individual character of each boy.
A range of opportunities for boys to care about and for others by investing their time, effort, and resources in community service and philanthropic activities serve as a central aspect of educating boys to become ethical, effective, and empathetic leaders in their communities and the world.
An inclusive school community that recognizes, respects, and celebrates the world’s human diversity, including differences in culture, race, religion, gender, ethnicity, economic class, and sexual orientation, best educates and prepares boys for success in leadership and in life.
Our motto, Sua Sponte, challenges boys to accept responsibility for their own learning and lives and instills their obligation to help ensure the well-being.