School : Applewild School

Country :

State/City : Massachusetts

Average Tuition : $25000 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $10000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 4~15

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Applewild School is an independent, coeducational school centrally located in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Founded in 1957, it has approximately 200 students aged 4 to 15, with a Preschool for children 2.9 and older on two locations: the Main Campus in Fitchburg, MA and at Applewild Preschool at Devens in Devens, MA. The average class size is 14 students. The school's motto is "A Belief in the Future."

Applewild School sits on a 26-acre (110,000 m2) campus in the Massachusetts countryside, with seven buildings. The campus is located on a hill next to a Massachusetts Audubon Society wildlife sanctuary (Flat Rock) and abuts the North County Land Trust's Crocker Conservation Land.

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1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

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School : Applewild School

Country :

State/City : Massachusetts

Average Tuition : $25000 USD

Average Living Cost : $10000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $10000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 4~15

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Applewild School is an independent, coeducational school centrally located in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Founded in 1957, it has approximately 200 students aged 4 to 15, with a Preschool for children 2.9 and older on two locations: the Main Campus in Fitchburg, MA and at Applewild Preschool at Devens in Devens, MA. The average class size is 14 students. The school's motto is "A Belief in the Future."

Applewild School sits on a 26-acre (110,000 m2) campus in the Massachusetts countryside, with seven buildings. The campus is located on a hill next to a Massachusetts Audubon Society wildlife sanctuary (Flat Rock) and abuts the North County Land Trust's Crocker Conservation Land.

Registration Form

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

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