School : The Trinity School

Country :

State/City : Devon

Average Tuition : $45000 USD

Average Living Cost : $4000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $7000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 7~19

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Trinity School’s Christian ethos and family atmosphere are complemented by a commitment to excellence in both academic and personal development. With recent inspections by both ISI and Ofsted rating the School as Outstanding, the School has successfully demonstrated a determination to deliver the best education possible for the pupils in its care.


Trinity pupils are passionate about learning and curious about the world, having the courage and confidence to embrace life, to seek out challenge and to build resilience through their experiences. Academic aspiration is matched by a commitment to excellence in extra-curricular life.

Trinitonians are encouraged to develop a personal vision and integrity, to show leadership and responsibility and to value service to the community. Their reflective approach is built upon the foundation of Trinity’s Christian values, readying them for life in the modern, globalised world.

Registration Form

Payment Method:



Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us

School : The Trinity School

Country :

State/City : Devon

Average Tuition : $45000 USD

Average Living Cost : $4000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $7000 USD

Education Level :


Age : 7~19

Additional :

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Trinity School’s Christian ethos and family atmosphere are complemented by a commitment to excellence in both academic and personal development. With recent inspections by both ISI and Ofsted rating the School as Outstanding, the School has successfully demonstrated a determination to deliver the best education possible for the pupils in its care.


Trinity pupils are passionate about learning and curious about the world, having the courage and confidence to embrace life, to seek out challenge and to build resilience through their experiences. Academic aspiration is matched by a commitment to excellence in extra-curricular life.

Trinitonians are encouraged to develop a personal vision and integrity, to show leadership and responsibility and to value service to the community. Their reflective approach is built upon the foundation of Trinity’s Christian values, readying them for life in the modern, globalised world.

Registration Form

Payment Method:



Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us