School : Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Country :

State/City : British Columbia

Average Tuition : $14000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $6000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~35

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Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is a public, accredited university. We offer more than 100 programs and have over 13,000 students. More than 1,700 students are international students from 85 countries. Study Options: Masters Degrees (1-2 years), Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas (1-2 years), Bachelor Degrees (4 years), Associate Degrees (2 years), University Transfer (1 or 2 years), Certificates and Diplomas (1 and 2 years), English as a Second Language (ESL), College Preparation / High School Preparation. Key Program Areas: Arts & Humanities (Fine Arts, Geography, Journalism, Psychology, Sociology), Business (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, International Business, Marketing, Public Relations, New Venture Creation), Computing Science & Technology (Computer Systems: Operation and Management, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Digital Arts & Design), Education, English as a Second Language (ESL) (Foundations ESL, English Communication, English for Academic Purposes, English & Fine Arts, English & Accounting, English & Business, English & Economics, English & Computing Science), Health Sciences (Nursing, Respiratory Therapy), Sciences & Environment (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural Resource Science, Animal Health Technology, Horticulture, Environmental Studies), Tourism (Tourism Management, Events & Conventions Management, Resort & Hotel Management, Sports Event Management, Adventure Management, Culinary Arts), Trades & Technology, Customized Programs.

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1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

Contact Us

School : Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Country :

State/City : British Columbia

Average Tuition : $14000 USD

Average Living Cost : $5000 USD

Average Housing Cost : $6000 USD

Education Level :

GPA : 2.8

Age : 18~35

Additional :

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Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is a public, accredited university. We offer more than 100 programs and have over 13,000 students. More than 1,700 students are international students from 85 countries. Study Options: Masters Degrees (1-2 years), Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas (1-2 years), Bachelor Degrees (4 years), Associate Degrees (2 years), University Transfer (1 or 2 years), Certificates and Diplomas (1 and 2 years), English as a Second Language (ESL), College Preparation / High School Preparation. Key Program Areas: Arts & Humanities (Fine Arts, Geography, Journalism, Psychology, Sociology), Business (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, International Business, Marketing, Public Relations, New Venture Creation), Computing Science & Technology (Computer Systems: Operation and Management, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Digital Arts & Design), Education, English as a Second Language (ESL) (Foundations ESL, English Communication, English for Academic Purposes, English & Fine Arts, English & Accounting, English & Business, English & Economics, English & Computing Science), Health Sciences (Nursing, Respiratory Therapy), Sciences & Environment (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural Resource Science, Animal Health Technology, Horticulture, Environmental Studies), Tourism (Tourism Management, Events & Conventions Management, Resort & Hotel Management, Sports Event Management, Adventure Management, Culinary Arts), Trades & Technology, Customized Programs.

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Apply for Scholarship

1. Please submit Form A
if you wish to apply for school grants.

2. Please submit Form B
if you wish to apply for government or other association's fundings.

3. Please submit Form A+B
if you wish to apply ANY possible scholarships.

Scholarship Form

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